Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A little extra love

Oops! So I accidently made two pictures instead of one for certain comments on the lovely slideshow, but I don't want the extras to go to waste, so I'll display them here :)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Summer! Our Birthday Gift

Today, July 24th, Summer Glau is celebrating her 26th birthday! We're all exited, and as a birthday gift I have asked several girls to give me her opinion on her, and made it all into a slideshow. The pictures in this slideshow are just a tiny example of how much she is loved.
I hope you see this Summer. I hope you love it. And most of all, I hope you have the most amazing birthday of your life.

Some of the comments are unreadable here, so for the full-quality slideshow go to:

I reccomend you watch it there.